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      1. 新聞中心 > 集團公告


        發布時間:2018-04-13 點擊:554




          在領導層面,集團領導身體力行地踐行"四化"戰略,傾心國內外市場開拓,積極開展業務考察和項目洽談。目前已與哈薩克斯坦就大麥和玉米的倉儲物流項目達成初步合作意向,與浙江物產國際貿易有限公司建立合作關系,同時與北京京糧、光大晨曦、沈鐵物流、華茂物流等合作洽談也正在推進過程中。在項目落地層面,一批糧食深加工產業基地建設項目相繼落地。在烏克蘭切爾尼科夫建成糧食生產加工基地,年加工蕎麥能力達12000噸;在鞍山建成占地6000平方米的糧食生產加工基地;年加工蕎麥能力達40000噸,在天津建成3600平房米的糧食生產加工基地,年加工蕎麥殼能力達4000噸,周轉業務達10000噸;產品覆蓋國內近半省,自治區,并且遠銷俄羅斯,烏克蘭,中亞及部分中東歐地區,拉長了開發遠東地區農業資源的產業鏈條,構成了建設中俄糧食走廊的重要節點,為國家 “一帶一路”戰略的實施做出了重要貢獻。



        Establish a corporate concept, build a market brand

          Since the beginning of the year, Haicheng Agricultural Group has been guided by the "four strategies" and "seeking truth from facts", focusing on the requirements of modern enterprise development of "standardization of management, platformization of management,ingenuity of posts and internationalization of vision", emphasizing actual combat, strength and effectiveness. And the ability to innovate has improved the company's operational capabilities and helped rural revitalization and modern agricultural development.

          In order to further setting up the meaning of the leaders、development and creative ,the HCAG has developed "four strategies" and "be reality tactics" training lectures. On the basis of the training lectures, by developing the "four strategies" and "be reality tactics" twenty-five questions and answers, we enhance and consolidate to staff training. Through concentrated learning and decentralized discussion, everyone has generally improved the subjective initiative of the work, enhanced the sense of innovation and development, and achieved ingenious results, forming a positive development of the "four modernization" strategy in the implementation and internationalization of strong atmosphere.


          In the leadership level, the leaders practice the "four strategies" and pay attention to the domestic and foreign markets, positively develop the business survey and projects communication. At present, we have made a cooperation relationship with Kazakhstan on barley and corn logistic projects, and meanwhile, we are communicating with the beijingjingliang、guangdachenxi、shentie logistic、huamao logistic all the time.

          With the projects finished,a batch of grain deep processing products base building projects are going to be finished.

          In Chernikov, Ukraine, a grain production and processing base was built, with an annual processing capacity of 12,000 tons of buckwheat; a grain production and processing base covering an area of 6,000 square meters was built in Anshan; the annual processing capacity of buckwheat reached 40,000 tons, and 3,600 square meters grain was built in Tianjin. The grain production and processing base has an annual processing capacity of 4,000 tons of buckwheat hulls and a turnover business of 10,000 tons. The products cover nearly half of the provinces, autonomous regions, and are exported to Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia and parts of Central and Eastern Europe, which has extended the development of the Far East. The industrial chain of agricultural resources constitutes an important node for the construction of the Sino-Russian grain corridor and has made important contributions to the implementation of the national "Belt and Road" strategy.

