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      1. 首頁 > 軟棗獼猴桃


          軟棗獼猴桃(學名:Actinidia arguta (Sieb. & Zucc) Planch. ex Miq.)是獼猴桃科、獼猴桃屬大型落葉藤本植物;小枝基本無毛或幼嫩時星散地薄被柔軟絨毛或茸毛,葉膜質或紙質,卵形、長圓形、闊卵形至近圓形,頂端急短尖,基部圓形至淺心形,背面綠色,花序腋生或腋外生,苞片線形,花綠白色或黃綠色,芳香,萼片卵圓形至長圓形,花瓣楔狀倒卵形或瓢狀倒闊卵形,花絲絲狀,花藥黑色或暗紫色,長圓形箭頭狀,果圓球形至柱狀長圓形,長2-3厘米,成熟時綠黃色或紫紅色。種子縱徑約2.5毫米。





        Soft jujube kiwi

          Kiwifruit (scientific name: Actinidia arguta (Sieb.) & Zucc) Planch. Ex Miq.) It is a large deciduous vine of kiwifruit family and kiwifruit genus. The twigs are basically hairless or sparsely thinly tomentose or hairy when young, leaf membranous or papery, ovoid, oblong, broad-ovoid to subcircular, apical acute mucronate, base round to shallowly cordate, abaxial green, inflorescence axillary or axillary, bracts linear, greenish white or yellowish green, aromatic, calyx ovoid to oblong, petals cuneate Obovate or ladylike Obovate, anthers filamentous, anthers black or axillary, bracts linear, greenish white or yellowish green, aromatic, sepals ovoid to oblong, petals cuneate Obovate or ladylike Obovate, filamentous, anthers black. Color or dark purple, oblong arrowhead, fruit globose to columnar oblong, 2 cm long, green yellow or purplish red when mature. Seeds are about 2.5 mm in diameter. This species has strong differentiation and broad distribution. China is distributed from the northernmost Heilongjiang coast to the Wuling mountains in southern Guangxi. Born in mixed forests or mixed forest with plenty of water. Fruit medicine, for strong, antipyretic and astringent; but also a high nutritional value of food. Fruit can not only be eaten raw, but also can be made jam, candied, canned, wine and so on. Flowers are the source of honey, but also can lift fragrant sesame oil. This species can be used not only as an ornamental tree species, but also as a fruit tree. Large deciduous rattan; The branchlet base is scattered with soft tomentose or hairy when young, 7 ≤ 15 cm in length, grayish brown every other year, about 4 mm in diameter, clean, hairless or part of the epidermis dirty gray dandruff, skin hole oblong to short strip shape, not significant to very significant; pulp white to light brown, lamellar. Leaves membranous or papery, ovoid, oblong, broad-ovoid to subcircular, 6- 12 cm long, 5-10 cm wide, apical acute mucronate, base round to shallowly cordate, equilateral or slightly unequal, margin with dense acute serrate, ventral dark green, hairless, abaxial green, lateral vein axil bearded or with midvein and both sides of inferior segment of lateral vein Along with a small amount of curly pilose, individually more generally curly pilose, transverse veins and reticulate veins thin, underdeveloped, visible or invisible, lateral veins sparse, 6-7 pairs, forked or not forked; petiole 3 -6 (- 10) cm long, hairless or slightly weakly curled pilose.
